Home Tag "Tamela Mann"

Gospel Icon Kirk Franklin Tops Winners List With Six Trophies At Historic Stellar Gospel Music Awards Virtual Special On Bet & Bet Her

CHICAGO – Not even a global pandemic could diminish the powerful spirit of praise, worship and celebration during the historic virtual broadcast of the Stellar Gospel Music Awards Sunday night on BET and BET Her. Led by hosts Kirk Franklin, Jonathan McReynolds, and Koryn Hawthorne, the 35th Anniversary Stellar Gospel Music Awards awarded trophies in […]

Smooth Jazz / R&B Artist Reggie Braxton Covers Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” with Motown Inspired Brax-Tone Style

Comedian Tony Rock Guest Stars In An All-New Episode of MANN & WIFE on Bounce

Atlanta, GA – Comedian and celebrated actor, Tony Rock stars in an all new episode of Mann & Wife airing on Tuesday, April 25 at 9pm ET on Bounce. As Daniel (David Mann) and Toni (Tamela Mann) create a Shark Tank inspired competition to replace their kid’s allowance, Hobbs (Tony Rock) is introduced to his […]

Smooth Jazz / R&B Artist Reggie Braxton Covers Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” with Motown Inspired Brax-Tone Style