Home Tag "Sonia Sanchez and Michaela Angela Davis"

Award-Winning Journalist Charlene Muhammad Highlights Achievements of Black Women in “Sisters On The Rise”

By Edrea Davis – Award-winning journalist and radio host, Sister Charlene Muhammad, closed out Women’s History Month with a compelling cover story in the Final Call Newspaper highlighting the beauty, power and achievements of Black women. “Sisters on the rise” (www.finalcall.com) examines the strength and resilience of black women dating back to warriors like Yaa […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

MomsRising Fights Childhood Obesity, Hosting Food Power Conference & Special Screening of Award-Winning Film “Soul Food Junkies”

Documentary addresses the pros and cons of traditional soul food featuring insight from Dick Gregory, Sonia Sanchez and Michaela Angela Davis New York – In an effort to promote healthy eating habits and help reverse the epidemic of childhood obesity, MomsRising will bring together moms, dads, bloggers, and community activists for a “Food Power” conference, […]