Home Tag "Shaquille O’Neal"

Miles College Partners With Shaquille O’Neal To Launch His HBCU Initiative

BIRMINGHAM – Miles College Partners with Shaquille O’Neal to launch his HBCU (Historically Black College & University) Initiative. O’Neal will join Miles College’s President Bobbie Knight to announce his new business venture, which is to bring a Papa John’s to every Historically Black College & University Campus. This event will take place on Saturday, October […]

Soulful Crooner J. Poww Resuscitates R&B with Babyface “Whip Appeal” Cover Drops New Album “I Did It My Way”

Time Inc.’s Sports Illustrated Pays Tribute To Muhammad Ali At Ceremony In Louisville, KY

Louisville, Ky – Last night, Sports Illustrated, a Time Inc. (NYSE: TIME) brand, dedicated its Sportsman of the Year Award to Muhammad Ali, renaming it the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award. The dedication ceremony took place on October 1 at the Muhammad Ali Center in front of a crowd of 300 VIPS including Mr. […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?