Home Tag "sexism"

Media Must Stop Distorting the Narrative: Black Women Are Stepping Back Because of America’s Endorsement of Racism and Misogyny, Not Minority Support for Trump

By Edrea Davis – Kenya Hunter of the Associated Press wrote a compelling article about Black women reassessing their role as the backbone of American democracy and their contributions to political and social movements following Donald Trump’s 2024 election victory.  After witnessing Trump secure the popular vote and presidency despite holding rallies with racist insults, […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

Religious Right Stands By Their Man Trump Despite His Constant Displays of Racism, Sexism, Misogyny

If Donald Trump has done anything, he has snuffed out the Religious Right – By Russell Moore Special To The Washington Post Donald Trump once bragged to radio shock-jock Howard Stern about walking through the dressing rooms of his beauty pageants while contestants were getting dressed. He could do it, he suggested, because he owned […]

Reginald Lewis, America’s First Black Billion-Dollar Dealmaker, is Larger Than Life in New Book

Trumps Controversial Words May Change the Balance of Power in the Senate

As Republican candidate, Donald Trump, continues to insult and attack people based on race, ethnicity, sex, or disability, fellow Republicans who refuse to disavow his bigotry may sacrifice their seats in the Senate for supporting a candidate who is alienating so many American Citizens. Diversity Inc’s article by Kaitlyn D’Onofrio, “Anti-Trump Movement May Shape Senate”, […]

Vice President Harris Lays Out a Bold Vision and Pledges Unity in White House Ellipse Speech