Home Tag "school-to-prison pipeline"

The Detention of Poor Immigrant Mothers and Children are Money-Making Hustle for Private Prisons

By Ester Yu-Hsi Lee, ThinkProgress.org – During separate conference calls to talk about earnings reports, two of the country’s largest for-profit private prisons indicated that they saw their profits soar from holding immigrant mothers and children in detention centers across the country. Revenues increased during the first quarter of 2016 for both the Corrections Corp. […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

The74million.org Article Reveals Data Showing 3 of the 5 Biggest School Districts Hire More Security Officers Than Counselors

School security officers outnumber counselors in four out of the 10 largest public school districts in the country — including three of the top five — according to data obtained by The 74. New York City, Chicago, Miami-Dade County, and Houston schools all employ more security staff than counselors. New York City, Chicago and Miami-Dade […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal