Home Tag "republicans"

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries Stands Out During Impeachment Hearings

Although Donald J. Trump’s Impeachment Hearings are not being taken seriously by Senate Republicans, the Democratic House Managers have demonstrated that they take their job seriously and they came ready for battle. But I have to admit, one representative stands out among the bunch and that’s New York Congressman Hakeem Jeffries. Congressman Jeffries has proven […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

Deplorable In Chief

By Lucius Gantt (The Gantt Report) – It’s 2016, late October and only days before Americans go to the polls to elect a new Deplorable in Chief or the President of the United States! The names have changed and, in the case of the Democratic nominee, the gender has changed but the pre-election status and […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Religious Right Stands By Their Man Trump Despite His Constant Displays of Racism, Sexism, Misogyny

If Donald Trump has done anything, he has snuffed out the Religious Right – By Russell Moore Special To The Washington Post Donald Trump once bragged to radio shock-jock Howard Stern about walking through the dressing rooms of his beauty pageants while contestants were getting dressed. He could do it, he suggested, because he owned […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?

Clinton In Commanding Lead Over Trump Among Young Voters, Harvard Youth Poll Finds

Washington, DC – A new national poll of America’s 18- to 29-year-olds by Harvard’s Institute of Politics (IOP), located at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, finds Hillary Clinton the clear front-runner over Donald Trump to win the White House in 2016. Among likely voters, Clinton has 61% of young voters and Trump 25%, […]

Vice President Harris Lays Out a Bold Vision and Pledges Unity in White House Ellipse Speech

How White Georgia Republicans Are Derailing an African-American Candidate

Without the protections of the Voting Rights Act, local elections are a free-for-all. BYy Spencer Woodman (The Republic) – Gerald Greene, a white Republican from Georgia, has represented the heavily rural, majority-black District 151 in the state House of Representatives for the past three decades. Because, according to Democrats, 151 is the state’s only minority-dominated […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?

Republicans Ignore Black People

By Julianne Malveaux – As I watched the Republican debate on October 10, I thought about Kanye West and the comments he made after Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans.  He said, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people”.  Later he tiptoed away from the comment by saying he “regretted” it, but he never apologized. Five years […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

President Obama Calls For More Higher Ed Funding As Republicans Defend Him Against Attacks

(Huffington Post) – President Obama got support from an unlikely ally against GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s “snob” comment — namely, Newt Gingrich. Gingrich, a former House Speaker and presidential candidate, said Obama was “perfectly reasonable” asserting that all Americans should get some form of higher education beyond high school. Santorum, a former Senator, sparked […]