Home Tag "raynard jackson"

Romney and the NAACP: A Missed Opportunity

By Raynard Jackson (NNPA Columnist) – As anyone who has followed me knows, I have been extremely critical of President Obama’s non-engagement with the Black community. Obama has deliberately ignored the plight of the Black community while giving preferential treatment to the homosexual and Hispanic communities. But I can’t in good conscious criticize Obama and […]

Hypocrisy in the Democracy by Raynard Jackson

Now that both political parties nominee’s for president are set, I began reflecting on some of the TV ads I have seen and various statements candidates have made. My conclusion about both parties? There is hypocrisy in the democracy of the United States. For example, Republicans claim to be against preference programs—affirmative action, minority set-asides, […]

Capital Offense – by Raynard Jackson

I am stunned by all the controversy surrounding presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s time at Bain Capital (the private investment company that he founded). What’s even more amazing is that the controversy was started by Republicans running against him for the presidential nomination. These Republican candidates have accused Romney of buying several businesses and then laying […]