Home Tag "racial justice"

Five questions Black Voters Should Ask Sen. Bernie Sanders

By Lauren Victoria Burke (MSNBC.com) – Sen. Bernie Sanders is looking to make inroads with African-American voters. The campaign has embarked on a tour of historically black colleges and universities and has engaged with Black Lives Matter activists and activist turned mayoral candidate DeRay McKesson. On the trail, Sanders has spoken candidly about discrimination against […]

Civil rights group’s president ‘dismayed’ by Walmart decision to cut DEI

Filmmaker Jordan Flaherty Explores Racial and Economic Justice Issues in New Documentary Series

Part One, Baltimore: A Moment to a Movement, exposes conditions that fueled the Baltimore Uprising; the second film focuses on reconstruction of New Orleans New York, NY – The murder of Freddie Gray while in police custody ignited the Baltimore Uprising in April. A new film uncovers deep-rooted economic issues that triggered thousands of frustrated […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?