Home Tag "obamacare"

Tax Deform for Corporations and the Wealthy

Desperate for a policy win, Republicans have proposed “tax reform”, which is really an attempt to reward their base at the expense of the rest of us. Whether you look at the 429 page (really? Who reads all of that) House of Representatives version (which reduces the number of tax brackets, raises the standard deduction, […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Recovered Crack Addict, Tonier Cain, Hopes Drug Treatment Success Stories Stop Senators From Making Drug Epidemic Worse

Annapolis, MD – During her 19-year crack addiction, Tonier Cain racked up 83 arrests and 66 convictions. She turned to prostitution to pay for drugs, lost custody of four children, and, when she wasn’t locked up, she slept under a bridge. Today, 12-years after completing treatment, Cain penned an open letter to the Senate Health […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

What Has Obamacare Done For The Nation?

These infographics highlight findings of “Obamacare Reduces Racial Disparities in Coverage” and the blog post “Obamacare Delivers Health Insurance to Low-Income Whites.” To share on your social media networks, right-click on the images to save them on your computer. Thank you for spreading the word about how important the Affordable Care Act is for everyone!

Vice President Harris Lays Out a Bold Vision and Pledges Unity in White House Ellipse Speech