Home Tag "nnpa"

Biden Releases General Election Ad Targeting Black American’s, Better America

Vice President Biden’s recently released general election ad, “Better America,” is one of the best ads targeting Black American’s I’ve seen in a long time. It’s authentic, timely and hopful. The ad is now circulating on digital channels and will begin airing nationally on television this weekend. Biden for President recently announced $280 million in […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

#BloombergIsARacist Trends the Same Week the Billionaire Spends 3.5 Million With Black Media

By Edrea Davis – Just when I was beginning to consider Mike Bloomberg seriously as an option if Vice President Joe Biden flunks, #BloombergIsRacist began trending on social media linking to very questionable audio of Bloomberg defending his stop and frisk policies. Later in the day I received an article about the presidential candidate doing […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

Saving Community Newspapers in the Age of Facebook

By Denise Rolark-Barnes, Chairperson, NNPA and Benjamin F. Chavis President/CEO, NNPA – Hundreds of newspapers have disappeared in the last 15 years and readership is on the decline. No newspaper is immune from the migration of readership to online platforms, dwindling ad revenues, fragmented audiences and even reduced attention spans. Even national-recognized newspapers with celebrated […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell