Home Tag "NBA"

National Bar Association Announces “40 Under 40” Award Recipients Announced

The National Bar Association, (“NBA”) one of the preeminent bar associations in the world and its President Joseph M. Drayton, a partner at Cooley LLP, are pleased to announce the 2019 recipients of its “40 Under 40 Nation’s Best Advocates” awards. The awards recognize the nation’s top 40 lawyers under the age 40 who exemplify […]

Students Complete HBCU Green Fund’s Fellowship Primed for Growing Opportunities in Clean Energy

Time Inc.’s Sports Illustrated Pays Tribute To Muhammad Ali At Ceremony In Louisville, KY

Louisville, Ky – Last night, Sports Illustrated, a Time Inc. (NYSE: TIME) brand, dedicated its Sportsman of the Year Award to Muhammad Ali, renaming it the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award. The dedication ceremony took place on October 1 at the Muhammad Ali Center in front of a crowd of 300 VIPS including Mr. […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?