Home Tag "msnbc"

Donald Trump Jr and His Posse: Orphans, Adoptions, Money and Possible Conflicts of Interest

Opinion Piece by Yvonne Scruggs-Leftwich, Ph.D. – According to MSNBC’s Morning Joe Co-Host, Mika Brzezinski, speaking recently on the TV Show: “It is time for us to see what we SEE!” Brzezinski means that, in our frustrating efforts to understand, translate, clarify, analyze and parse the numerous slap-stick side-shows of this Trump presidency, we must […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

MSNBC Obtains Video of Linwood “Ray” Lambert, a VA Man Who Was Tased, Shackled and Died in Custody

Responding to a call about a possibly delusional man, three VA police take Linwood “Ray” Lambert to the emergency room. When they arrive the “patient” ran off. Although he was at the door of the emergency room, the police tased him repeatedly, shackled him, and Linwood “Ray” Lambert died shortly after while in police custody. […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?

Sharpton-West Circus Show

By Lucius Gantt (The Gantt Report) – Two wrongs make it worse! Much has been said, broadcasted and printed about the heated debate between Re. Al Sharpton and Professor Cornell West regarding the performance of President Barack Obama. On a MSNBC television show, both men raised their voices and sought to convince viewers that their […]