Home Tag "Mitt Romney"

Yo! Philly Votes Launched- Ushahidi-powered App Will Be Deployed on Election Day to Protect the Vote

Contact: Faye Anderson @andersonatlarge Philadelphia, PA – Yo! Philly Votes, a web-based platform to crowdsource election protection, was launched today in Philadelphia, the birthplace of our democracy. “Yo! Philly Votes empowers ordinary Americans to protect the vote,” said Faye M. Anderson, project manager of the citizen-led initiative. “The Department of State continues to run misleading […]

Race Card Romney – By Lucius Gantt

The Gantt Report -If President Barack Obama wants to win his 2012 reelection effort he should start fighting for it! By now, everybody knows the President got his clock cleaned by a modern day Uncle Remus dipped in flour. Romney told more fairy tales and fables than Aesop and Hans Christian Anderson during the first […]

Ohio Unity Coalition Kicks-Off Voter Empowerment Tour with Hi-Tech Mobile Voter Registration Unit Traveling the State

Multi-city “Stand Your Ground” tour aims to prepare voters in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus,Youngstown, Akron, Cleveland, Lorain and Toledo Ohio A coalition of faith, labor, civil and voter rights groups along with community activists launched the Stand Your Ground… Vote, 2012 Ohio Voter Empowerment Tour in Cincinnati this past weekend dispatching a mobile voter registration unit […]

Capital Offense – by Raynard Jackson

I am stunned by all the controversy surrounding presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s time at Bain Capital (the private investment company that he founded). What’s even more amazing is that the controversy was started by Republicans running against him for the presidential nomination. These Republican candidates have accused Romney of buying several businesses and then laying […]

Obama Gives Props to Romney on Health Care

(CNN) – In a moment that Mitt Romney’s future GOP opponents couldn’t have scripted better themselves, President Obama Monday issued a full-throated embrace of the former Massachusetts governor’s stance on health care. “I know that many of you have asked for flexibility for your states under this law,” Obama said during a speech to a […]