Home Tag "midterm election"

Power of the Ballot Debate Watch Party and Comedy Show Set Off GOTV Mobilization Efforts with Celebrity Talents BPhlat, Erin Jackson and MESHELLE

Local and national groups convened for a weekend of organizing marking a transition from voter registration and education to mobilizing residents to vote in the midterm election By Edrea Davis – Call it the calm before the midterm election storm. Georgia Black Women’s Roundtable (GA BWR) treated staff, volunteers, local and national leaders, and members of […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

Val Demings for U.S. Senate

Long before she would become Orlando’s first female Chief of Police, Val Butler Demings learned from her parents about the American Dream. They didn’t have much: two parents and seven children in a small wood-framed house in Jacksonville. Her mother Elouise Butler worked as a maid; her father James as a janitor, landscaper, and orange […]

Soulful Crooner J. Poww Resuscitates R&B with Babyface “Whip Appeal” Cover Drops New Album “I Did It My Way”

Award-Winning New Film “Let My People Vote” Being Used as Rallying Call for Youth to Participate in Midterm Elections

Poignant film becoming rallying call for youth to participate in the midterm elections LOS ANGELES – While media pundits and other experts debate the impact Russia had on the 2016 election, a riveting short documentary exposing the harsh voter suppression laws that prohibit 6.1 million Americans from voting, “Let My People Vote,” is fast becoming […]

Soulful Crooner J. Poww Resuscitates R&B with Babyface “Whip Appeal” Cover Drops New Album “I Did It My Way”

Black Women Leaders Come Together to Determine Key Issues to Mobilize Around for the Midterm Election in Georgia

Atlanta, GA – An intergenerational group of Black women leaders from ten Georgia counties convened at the Georgia Capitol today to be briefed on findings from the Black Women’s Roundtable Public Policy Network (BWR) report, Black Women in the U.S., 2014, and their factsheet, The Status of Black Women in Georgia. The presentation was followed […]

Black Women Could Swing November’s Vote

by Debbie Hines, Women’s Media Center -With the midterm election fast approaching, African American women are emerging as crucial to success for Democrats according to voting analysts and the Democratic National Committee. In 20 House races, mostly in southern states, African American women could be the deciding factor. Analyst Page Gardner, founder of Women’s Voices, […]