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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and The Gospel of Action

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., American Civil Rights Activist By Marc Morial – National Urban League Wednesday (To Be Equal #2)- There is no shortage of words in the English language to describe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. By now-over five […]

Smooth Jazz / R&B Artist Reggie Braxton Covers Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” with Motown Inspired Brax-Tone Style

The University of Missouri’s New President, Michael Middleton, and the New Campus Activism

By Marc Morial, NUL (To Be Equal #45) New York, NY – Michael Middleton, the University of Missouri’s new interim president faces the challenge of healing wounds that have been decades in the making, since the first African-American students fought for admission in the 1930s. As the first Black student to enroll as a freshman […]

Smooth Jazz / R&B Artist Reggie Braxton Covers Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” with Motown Inspired Brax-Tone Style

Pope Francis’ Message of Compassion: Service for the Common Good by Marc Morial

(To Be Equal #37)New York – Like “power,” with compassion comes great responsibility. So much more than a feeling, the person with compassion is compelled to transform their compassion into intent, and most importantly, action. To be compassionate is to see, to feel and to do something. The recent arrival of Pope Francis on our […]

Smooth Jazz / R&B Artist Reggie Braxton Covers Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” with Motown Inspired Brax-Tone Style

Julian Bond Was Never One to Shrink Away from a Worthy Fight

By Marc Morial, National Urban League (To Be Equal #32) – New York, NY – He lived his life as a tireless champion of the oppressed and maligned, a battle-worn warrior for civil rights, equality and social justice. Bond fought the good fight, and at the still-youthful age of 75, he completed his course. His […]

Smooth Jazz / R&B Artist Reggie Braxton Covers Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” with Motown Inspired Brax-Tone Style

Urgent Action Alert: Tell Your Senators to Swiftly Confirm Loretta Lynch as the First African American Woman U.S. Attorney General

By Marc Morial – U.S. Attorney Lynch has distinguished herself as a highly experienced, independent lawyer dedicated to equal justice under the law. In addition, Ms. Lynch would represent major progress by becoming the nation’s first African American woman to serve as U.S. Attorney General. Loretta Lynch’s credentials speak for themselves. She holds a powerful […]

Smooth Jazz / R&B Artist Reggie Braxton Covers Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” with Motown Inspired Brax-Tone Style

Giuliani’s Words Do More than Hurt – They Divide

To Be Equal #8 By Marc H. Morial – After the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York City, I brought a delegation of mayors to meet with the city’s then-mayor, Rudolph Giuliani. The delegation’s goal was to help restore confidence in the still-traumatized city and help rebuild what had been so inhumanly destroyed. […]

Smooth Jazz / R&B Artist Reggie Braxton Covers Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” with Motown Inspired Brax-Tone Style