Home Tag "Joe Biden"

Lift Every Voice: The Biden Plan For Black America

Following is former Vice President Joe Biden’s plan to empower Black Americans: Joe Biden knows that African Americans can never have a fair shot at the American Dream so long as entrenched disparities are allowed to quietly chip away at opportunity. He is running for President to rebuild our economy in a way that finally […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

#BloombergIsARacist Trends the Same Week the Billionaire Spends 3.5 Million With Black Media

By Edrea Davis – Just when I was beginning to consider Mike Bloomberg seriously as an option if Vice President Joe Biden flunks, #BloombergIsRacist began trending on social media linking to very questionable audio of Bloomberg defending his stop and frisk policies. Later in the day I received an article about the presidential candidate doing […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal