Home Tag "jim crow"

Meet Jimmy Crow, Insurrectionist And Suppressor, Heir To Jim And James Crow, Esquire

Meet Jimmy Crow. You may remember Jimmy’s grandfather, Jim Crow. Jim sometimes wore a hood and a robe, and sometimes a sheriff’s badge. He administered incomprehensible “literacy tests” to Black citizens trying to register to vote. He clubbed John Lewis nearly to death on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. The n-word flowed freely from Jim’s lips. […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Confederate Monuments and Symbols are Advertisements For a Product No One Wants Anymore#TakeEmDown, NOW

By Marc H. Morial (Be Equal #27) – Mississippi’s decision this week to eliminate a Confederate symbol from its state flag is the culmination of more than 40 years of activism, and a single step in the ongoing effort to eliminate white supremacist imagery and monuments from our public spaces. It seems at last that […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Award-Winning New Film “Let My People Vote” Being Used as Rallying Call for Youth to Participate in Midterm Elections

Poignant film becoming rallying call for youth to participate in the midterm elections LOS ANGELES – While media pundits and other experts debate the impact Russia had on the 2016 election, a riveting short documentary exposing the harsh voter suppression laws that prohibit 6.1 million Americans from voting, “Let My People Vote,” is fast becoming […]

Soulful Crooner J. Poww Resuscitates R&B with Babyface “Whip Appeal” Cover Drops New Album “I Did It My Way”

President of Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, Russell Moore, Breaks the Silence on Donald Trump

“A White Church No More” by Russell Moore (NYTimes.com) – Years ago, members of a Southern Baptist church in suburban Birmingham, Ala., who couldn’t figure out why their church was in decline asked a friend of mine for advice. The area had been majority white during the violent years of Jim Crow. While civil rights […]

Vice President Harris Lays Out a Bold Vision and Pledges Unity in White House Ellipse Speech

In the Media Room with Tom Burrell

MG Media – Tom Burrell has been one of America’s leading innovators in the world of images, advertising and marketing. During the 80’s and 90’s his name sake firm, Burrell Communications was one of the top ad agency’s in the world producing ground breaking media plans that helped corporations sell tens of millions of dollars […]