Home Tag "Hit the Bricks: The 1st 72"

Healing Neen Deliverance Tour Kicks Off in Florida with a Message of Hope and Healing

ANNAPOLIS, Md. – A 25-year-old caught up in the cycle of addiction since she was 13 had her prayers answered last week when she was among eight women the Gadsden Correctional Facility allowed out of jail for a few hours to hear the powerful testimony of recovered crack addict-turned-inspirational speaker, Tonier “Neen” Cain. Hosted by […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?

Healing Neen Deliverance Tour Kicks Off in Florida with a Message of Hope and Healing

ANNAPOLIS, Md. – A 25-year-old caught up in the cycle of addiction since she was 13 had her prayers answered last week when she was among eight women the Gadsden Correctional Facility allowed out of jail for a few hours to hear the powerful testimony of recovered crack addict-turned-inspirational speaker, Tonier “Neen” Cain. Hosted by […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?