Home Tag "Harriet Tubman"

Marc Morial: Harriet Tubman Decision Is a Major Development

New York, NY – National Urban League President Marc H. Morial today called the U.S. Treasury’s move to replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill a milestone for racial reconciliation. “For generations, America has struggled to confront its greatest sin and acknowledge the dark cloud it cast over much of our history,” […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

Award-Winning Journalist Charlene Muhammad Highlights Achievements of Black Women in “Sisters On The Rise”

By Edrea Davis – Award-winning journalist and radio host, Sister Charlene Muhammad, closed out Women’s History Month with a compelling cover story in the Final Call Newspaper highlighting the beauty, power and achievements of Black women. “Sisters on the rise” (www.finalcall.com) examines the strength and resilience of black women dating back to warriors like Yaa […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

Harriet Tubman Descendants Convene in Atlanta for Proclamation

By Arit Essien – Descendants of the abolitionist and women’s suffragist, Harriet Tubman convened in Atlanta over the weekend for a proclamation presentation by Atlanta City Council, and week-long events reuniting family members from across the nation. Echoing the words of Tubman’s enduring command to passengers aboard the Underground Railroad: “Keep Goin!” family members accepted […]