Home Tag "essence magazine"

Essence Festival expands to South Africa: New Edition to Launch in 2016

New York, NY – A three-year partnership has been formed with eThekwini Municipality to host the Essence Festival in Durban, South Africa in 2016 and 2017, announced Essence President Michelle Ebanks and eThekwini Mayor James Nxumalo at Durban City Hall today. Each year, the Essence Festival in New Orleans draws more than 450,000 attendees from […]

RICE Grant Enables HBCU Green Fund to Expand STEM & Energy Training, Mentorship, and Internship Opportunities for Atlanta University Center Students

Black Women No Longer Have Their Essence

By Raynard Jackson – Essence Magazine used to be the preeminent magazine for Black women in the U.S. They, like many Black publications, have lost their relevance; and in the process become an embarrassment to the very group they claim to target. Essence was founded in 1968 by Ed Lewis, Clarence Smith, Cecil Hollingworth, Jonathan […]