Home Tag "Congresswoman Maxine Waters"

Auntie Maxine Let Mnuchin Know to Put Respek on Her Chairmanship to Financial Services Committee

Although I abhor people who judge and disrespect people based on race or gender, every now and then I do get a kick out of seeing an arrogant, condescending man who underestimates his opponent, get checked by a strong, intelligent sister. That’s certainly the case here. We have rich white dude who probably believe’s President […]

HBCU Green Fund Presents GreenFest 2024: A Celebration of Sustainability, Culture, and Community Unity

Black Women Call for Minority Leaders Schumer and Pelosi to Publicly Support Congresswoman Waters in #IStandWithMaxine Campaign

The letter below shares the profound indignation deep disappointment the undersigned Black women have over the failure of Minority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader Pelosi to protect Congresswoman Waters from unwarranted attacks from the Trump Administration. Please join the #IStandWithMaxine campaign, add your name to the letter via this link: http://bit.ly/IStandWithMaxine and push the message […]

Illinois Police Release Bodycam Footage Showing Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey