Home Tag "Bruce Rauner"

The New Play Book

By C. Dwayne West, MG Media -If black folks are ever gonna get any real form of reparation or what can look like that pay check that Dr. King spoke about, then blacks everywhere will have to operate their agenda the exact same way Donald Trump orchestrated his campaign by taking a strong stance and […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Black Men in America

By C. Dwayne West, MG Media – As a black man first, then as a media company, it was my privilege to have received a special invite from the Minister, and my responsibility to attend the Honorable Louis Farrakhan’s Savior Day speech yesterday at the Mosque. A lot of words were expressed and some were […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell