Home Tag "Black Men’s Xchange"

Leader of National Organization of Black Men Who Love Men Calls Media Coverage of Tracy Morgan’s Skit Racially Biased Tunnel-Vision

WASHINGTON, DC – Cleo Manago, National Director of the Black Men’s Xchange, the nation’s oldest and largest community-based movement devoted to advocacy and empowerment for same gender loving (SGL), bisexual and gay-identifying African-descended males, issued the following statement about the Media coverage of Tracy Morgan’s most recent controversial comments: “As national director of one of […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

Black Men’s Xchange Announces Annual Leadership Summit & Retreat with “Making the Invisible Visible” Video Release

New York – Since 1989, Black Men’s Xchange National (BMX) has been a sanctuary for thousands of same-gender-loving men to express, heal and overcome past traumas while developing leadership skills and becoming clear thinking assets to their respective communities. As the nation’s first and largest national African American/Black organization affirming the worth and self esteem […]