Home Tag "Barbara Arnwine"

Georgians Unite to Celebrate Voting Rights Joining John Lewis “Good Trouble” Marches and Votercades in Cities Across Georgia

By Edrea Davis –Black and Brown voters in cities across Georgia are joining the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda, the Transformative Justice Coalition, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, and community organizers for John Lewis “Good Trouble” Marches and Votercades, festive celebrations of voting rights that will lead voters to the polls for early voting for the […]

Black Women Unite to Demand Legislative Action: GA Black Women’s Roundtable Presents Bold Agenda at Georgia Capitol

Civil Rights Leader Barbara Arnwine Launches Talk Radio Program Focused on Activism as a Catalyst for Achieving Racial Justice and Equality

Washington, D.C. – Barbara R. Arnwine, Esq., noted civil rights leader, will launch a weekly news talk radio program on Radio One’s WOL 1450 AM, beginning March 3, 2015. “Igniting Change with Barbara Arnwine” will provide provocative and empowering information and discussion designed to ignite change and inspire action in achieving racial justice, social justice […]

Statement from President Joe Biden on Pardon of Hunter Biden

Black Women’s Roundtable Unites a Diverse Group of Women Leaders and Organizations in Support of United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice

Washington, DC – A diverse group of women leaders and organizations have joined forces with the Black Women’s Roundtable (BWR) to launch a campaign to express their unequivocal support of United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice and to encourage senate and congressional leaders to treat the esteemed public servant with respect. In addition to signing on […]