Home Tag "Bain Capital"

Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios Acquires The Weather Channel

Los Angeles, CA – Entertainment Studios, Inc., (www.es.tv) one of the largest independent producers and distributors of film and television, with 41 shows on the air, and owner of eight 24-hour HD cable television networks reaching nearly 160 million aggregate subscribers nationwide, proudly announces its acquisition of the WEATHER GROUP, parent company of THE WEATHER […]

Soulful Crooner J. Poww Resuscitates R&B with Babyface “Whip Appeal” Cover Drops New Album “I Did It My Way”

Capital Offense – by Raynard Jackson

I am stunned by all the controversy surrounding presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s time at Bain Capital (the private investment company that he founded). What’s even more amazing is that the controversy was started by Republicans running against him for the presidential nomination. These Republican candidates have accused Romney of buying several businesses and then laying […]