Home Tag "african-americans"

African American Voters Have Had More Than “Enough” Of Trump’s Divisive Rhetoric

New radio Spot part Of a multi-million dollar buy in Ohio, & in Partnership with AFSCME in Florida, & North Carolina Priorities USA is releasing a new African American radio ad today called “Enough” that features a litany of Donald Trump’s divisive and offensive rhetoric towards African Americans, including perpetuating the racist birther conspiracy theory […]

Civil rights group’s president ‘dismayed’ by Walmart decision to cut DEI

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are Going to War as She Tries to Protect her ‘Firewall’

By Allan Smith, BusinessInsider.com – Hillary Clinton’s campaign has brought out the firepower quickly after her crushing loss to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) on Tuesday night in the New Hampshire Democratic primary. “When you match up the record of Hillary Clinton with the record of Bernie Sanders, it simply is no comparison,” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries […]

Civil rights group’s president ‘dismayed’ by Walmart decision to cut DEI

Five questions Black Voters Should Ask Sen. Bernie Sanders

By Lauren Victoria Burke (MSNBC.com) – Sen. Bernie Sanders is looking to make inroads with African-American voters. The campaign has embarked on a tour of historically black colleges and universities and has engaged with Black Lives Matter activists and activist turned mayoral candidate DeRay McKesson. On the trail, Sanders has spoken candidly about discrimination against […]

Civil rights group’s president ‘dismayed’ by Walmart decision to cut DEI

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Announces Lawsuit to Bring Constitutional Policing to Ferguson, Missouri

Video by CBS News/AP. Remarks below as prepared for delivery by Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch: Good afternoon and thank you all for being here. I am joined by Vanita Gupta, head of the Civil Rights Division. Nearly a year ago, the Department of Justice released our findings in an investigation of the Police Department […]

HBCU Green Fund Hosts Women’s Economic Development Trade Mission to Senegal

Jewish Groups Urge Solidarity Shabbat with African Americans

(Times of Israel) — An array of Jewish groups representing every major religious stream has declared this coming Shabbat one of solidarity with the African American community in the wake of the Charleston, South Carolina mass killing. A press release Tuesday including among its signatories representative groups of the Conservative, Reform, Orthodox and Reconstructionist streams […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?

The National Coalition Joins Campaign Stressing Importance of Flu Vaccinations Among African Americans @ncbcp

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation joined The Assembly of Petworth the D.C. Department of Health, and United Planning Organization to host a press conference marking National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW), December 4-10. The press conference and a mini-free flu vaccination clinic was held at the United Planning Organization “Petey” Greene Community Service Center in […]