Condoleezza Rice Recalls Segregated South
Book Review by Kam Williams – “John and Angelena Rice were extraordinary, ordinary people. They were middle-class folks who loved God, family, and their country. I don’t think they ever read a book on parenting. They were just good at it… They built a world together that wove the fibers of our life into a […]
Rev. Lowery honored by clean-up of Lowery Blvd. for his 89th birthday
Are African-Americans ‘exhausted’ with defending Obama?
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner
President Obama Addresses his Birthplace & Religion– AGAIN
Melanie Campbell Speaks at NAN Reclaim the Dream March
Rallies Over Mosque Blocks From Ground Zero Get Heated
“GhettoPhysics: Will The Real Pimps and Ho’s Please Stand Up!”
Los Angeles – Tuesday, August 24 will mark the evening that Captured Light Films, along with producer William Arntz and author E. Raymond Brown, debut a private screening of their groundbreaking collaboration “GhettoPhysics: Will The Real Pimps and Ho’s Please Stand Up!” A documentary feature which mixes political commentary with social awareness and spirituality dynamics, […]