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Clayton County GA News

or Georgia Senate Runoff Amid Ongoing Efforts to Disenfranchise Black Voters

By Edrea Davis – Ongoing efforts to suppress and invalidate the voices of Black voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia have galvanized the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda (Peoples’ Agenda), Clayton County Black Women’s Roundtable (BWR) and other groups to register, educate and mobilize voters for the upcoming Senate runoff elections. The disenfranchisement […]

Bloody Sunday Remembered: Where Are Today’s Freedom Fighters?

The National Coalition Joins Campaign Stressing Importance of Flu Vaccinations Among African Americans @ncbcp

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation joined The Assembly of Petworth the D.C. Department of Health, and United Planning Organization to host a press conference marking National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW), December 4-10. The press conference and a mini-free flu vaccination clinic was held at the United Planning Organization “Petey” Greene Community Service Center in […]

Crack bill becomes law

Yesterday morning, President Obama signed the crack bill into law! That same morning, the Washington Post ran an editorial praising the reform and singling FAMM out for our “relentless efforts”! And over the weekend, our Massachusetts team scored a middle-of-the-night victory in the waning hours of the legislative session, securing parole eligibility for many prisoners […]