Home Commentary


Urban League Movement Reflects on a Year of Empowering Americans through Jobs, Education, Financial Literacy and Health Care

By Marc Morial (To Be Equal #94) – “From your founding, amid the great migration, to the struggles of the civil rights movement, to the battles of today, the Urban League has been on the ground, in our communities, working quietly — day in, day out — without fanfare; opening up opportunity, rolling back inequality, […]

National Urban League Commends the SBA’s Expansion of Federal Contracting Opportunities for Black-Owned Firms

H is for Hypocrisy

The flag is NOT to be displayed on the horizontal yet the fake news about #takeaknee being disrespectful to it is consonantal Nor worn as apparel or carried as a purse yet theses Right Wingers do that to it and worse They call themselves Fiscal Conservatives and say on that you can bet but, want […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Tax Deform for Corporations and the Wealthy

Desperate for a policy win, Republicans have proposed “tax reform”, which is really an attempt to reward their base at the expense of the rest of us. Whether you look at the 429 page (really? Who reads all of that) House of Representatives version (which reduces the number of tax brackets, raises the standard deduction, […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Gone But Not Forgotten – By Hussein Hill

Congress can’t fix the homelessness and hunger problems of our US Vets but can spend 20 Billion dollars on new jets There is always money for new toys for those Pentagon boys Only 6% of the F-35’s can even fly but, I don’t see Trump asking why? He is too busy tweeting about #takeaknee and […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Wonder Women – The Gantt Report

By Lucius Gantt – Devilish Donald Trump and his seemingly wicked and deceitful Chief of Staff former General John Kelly has spent over a week criticizing and trying to defame my friend Congresswoman Frederica Wilson and the family of Sgt. La David Johnson. Instead of explaining how and why Johnson and three other soldiers were […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

This Flag Is Drenched In Blood

By Dr. Julianne Malveaux – I am not sure why the “National Anthem” and the so-called American flag are part of our nation’s sports pageantry. Before 2009, while the National Anthem was played, sports gladiators were not required to suit up, stand up, and put their hands to their hearts and why should they? The […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Affirmative Action: Dissecting Rhetoric From Reality

By Marc H. Morial, National Urban League – In a perfect America founded and operating on colorblind meritocracy, admission to selective institutions of higher learning, boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies and access to federal contracts would be determined solely by ability, skill and talent, never having to take into consideration race or gender-and certainly never […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

50 Years of Black Mayors

By Marc H. Morial, National Urban League (To Be Equal #74) -Today, the sight of a Black mayor is unlikely to turn any heads or draw any particular attention. But in 1967-during the continuing turmoil of the civil rights movement and two years after the passage of major civil rights legislation-a first generation of African […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell