Home Commentary Raynard Jackson

Raynard Jackson

Blacks and the Economics of Voting

By Raynard Jackson – How long will the Black community continue to allow the Obama administration and the Democratic Party to insult them and then blame it on Obama not wanting to be perceived as a “Black” president? Let me give an example. You have invested in a business project, Obama Inc. There were 4 […]

Feminism Lays An Egg

By Raynard Jackson – When you ask a chicken for an egg, it’s like asking for a contribution. Chickens lay many, many eggs in the course of their lifetime. But, when you ask a pig for bacon, you’re asking for a total commitment. In other words, the pig has to die in order to give […]

State of the YOUnion

Raynard Jackson – Two nights ago, President Obama delivered his annual State of the Union address and, as usual, he declared the state of our union is good. No president has ever said anything differently. Every president is only going to put the best face on the state of affairs in our country. But, the […]

Letter to Dr. King

Raynard Jackson – You didn’t know me when you were here, But through your words I feel you are near. I was too young for the demonstration, But I learned about you in my education. You said we all were created equal, But maybe now we need a new sequel. Because I don’t know what […]

Black Republicans And The Color Line

By Raynard Jackson – Once again race has reared its ugly head with a Republican elected official. But, this time in a more subtle way. Incoming Republican congressman, Tim Scott has decided not to join the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) in January. While I don’t necessarily have a problem with that, I am viscerally embarrassed […]

Jim Clyburn-ed

By Raynard Jackson – In the immortal words of civil rights legend, Fannie Lou Hamer, when will Blacks become “sick and tired of being sick and tired?” Once again the Democratic Party has shown its disdain for the Black community and Black Democrats, as usual, just sit back and continue to allow it to happen. […]

Voters Face A Taxing Problem

By Raynard Jackson – With a lame duck session of Congress convening next week, everyone is talking about whether the Bush tax cuts should be extended or allowed to expire at the end of this year. Republicans argue that if the cuts are allowed to expire, that amounts to a tax increase.& ontinue the cuts […]