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Gantt Report

Connie Tucker , Muhammad Siddeeq and You

By Lucius Gantt – I recently attended the home going services for Connie Tucker, a true revolutionary in every sense of the phrase. I didn’t know Connie personally but I knew a lot about her. Almost everyone in the Black power movement, the Pan African movement, the Black activist movement, the Environmental Rights movement, the […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Urban Uprisings – By Lucius Gantt

(The Gantt Report)- I told you what would happen and you read it in the paper but all you could say was Lucius is a hater. America’s so called Black community leaders can’t draw flies to an outhouse but every time a young Black man gets beaten, chocked, shot or gets his back broken, hand-picked […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

The Treatment of the First African American female Nominee for Attorney General, Loretta Lynch

I called both of my senators today to find out whether they planned to vote to confirm Loretta Lynch for Attorney General. Senator Perdue’s office said “no” and there was no changing his mind. I held out hope that our senior Senator Isakson would be more thoughtful, after all former Mayor Rudy Giuliani said that […]

Statement Opposing DOGE Attacks on the Civil Service from National Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Leader, Melanie L. Campbell

Fake Heroes – The Gantt Report

By Lucius Gantt -One reason The Gantt Report is different from most columns is that I don’t parrot other editorial writers. I don’t read columns by other writers, then comment about them and then pretend to you that I was influenced by some other writers. I mostly read history or facts. I like non-fiction. In […]