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Both Parties Must Come Together on a Budget that Cuts Wasteful Spending Without Sacrificing Investments in the Future

President Obama addressed the proposed budget cuts in his weekly address. His goal to cut “wasteful spending without sacrificing job-creating investments in education, innovation, and infrastructure,” and still meet congressional Republicans halfway seems a bit illogical but, let’s give the President the benefit of the doubt. At least they’re still talking about creating jobs because […]

Obama Gives Props to Romney on Health Care

(CNN) – In a moment that Mitt Romney’s future GOP opponents couldn’t have scripted better themselves, President Obama Monday issued a full-throated embrace of the former Massachusetts governor’s stance on health care. “I know that many of you have asked for flexibility for your states under this law,” Obama said during a speech to a […]

Rep. John Lewis, Maya Angelou, and President GW Bush Receive Medal of Freedom

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the nation’s highest civilian honor presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors. The honorees are: • Former President George H.W. Bus • Chancellor Angela […]