Edrea Davis – Pompous, self-serving, Donald Trump is so stuck on himself and wound up in his own world he probably doesn’t realize that some negative media attention won’t help his brand. I have video from several high-profile people who reject Trump’s latest antics. I don’t know if Donald Trump is actually a racist since […]
Tea Party Members and Special Interest Money
By Chuck Hobbs, Esqq. – “Enough dollars make sense, while you ride the bench…catch me swinging for the fence…” Dead Presidents–Jay-Z. For the unfamiliar, the phrase “dead presidents” long has been urban slang for money, referencing the presidents that adorn American currency. In this instance, members of Congress elected last year under the Tea Party […]
Death of the Birther Movement
By Chuch Hobbs – Kudos to President Obama for issuing his birth certificate for all to see and inspect. When I first read the news I laughed out loud, thinking that the president finally got fed up with the “Birthers” who remain convinced that he was born in either Kenya or Indonesia, and lest we […]
President Obama Fights Back
Chuck Hobbs, Esq. – Thank you, Mr. President, for regaining your swagger—perhaps, to you, it was never lost. What pleases me is Mr. Obama’s willingness in recent weeks to bluntly speak about issues regardless of who he ticks off. This new found fight is interesting when one considers that if Republican attacks on his policies […]
Social Engineering Gone Wrong
Chuck Hobbs – As a long time supporter of increased diversity based on merit and merit alone, I find the U. S. Justice Department’s decision to recommend that the city of Dayton Ohio lower test passage rates to attract more Black police officers disturbing. Originally, Dayton Police applicants had to score 66% on one segment […]
Obama Depicted as a Monkey
For those who scoff at the idea of multicultural education consider this: Orange County Republican Executive Committee member and Tea Party activist Marilyn Davenport recently circulated an email depicting President Obama as a baby chimpanzee. Astonishingly, when civil rights organizations called for her resignation, Davenport claimed ignorance of the racist overtones, stating that she simply […]
Arizona Birther Bill
By Chuck Hobbs – Just when the amount of terrible news from Arizona was beginning to wane, Arizona State Senator Carl Peel has thrust the Grand Canyon state back into negative headlines for a bill that would require presidential candidates to produce proof of natural birth in the United States to be placed on Arizona’s […]
Do President Obama’s Opponents Believe Their Own Hype? Not Really…
Does anyone think for a minute that The Donald really believes that President Obama was not born in America? I doubt it. However, I’m sure somewhere cold will freeze over before Mr. “You’re Fired” Trump admits that he knows the President is a US born citizen. Like Trump, most of the people spewing anti-Obama rhetoric […]
Politically Speaking: Am I My Brother’s Keeper
By Chuck Hobbs, Esq – This week, conservative radio host Glenn Beck ripped President Obama’s alleged lack of belief in “American Exceptionalism” while deriding the president as a “better salvation Utopian Marxist in the White House.” While considering Beck’s hyperbole, the phrase “Utopian Marxist” troubles me. While I am somewhat immune to the overuse (or […]