By Edrea Davis – Kenya Hunter of the Associated Press wrote a compelling article about Black women reassessing their role as the backbone of American democracy and their contributions to political and social movements following Donald Trump’s 2024 election victory. After witnessing Trump secure the popular vote and presidency despite holding rallies with racist insults, […]
Edrea Davis
Racist or Not Racist? Black nurses not being allowed to take care of white patients
According to, four black nurses are suing their nursing company because they say black nurses are not being sent to take care of white patients. In their lawsuit the nurses claim that this is a violation of their civil rights. Read the full story here at In my humble opinion, I think it […]
RACIST OR NOT RACIST? Black Man Claims $300k House For $16
Okay, since it seems that many people think everything that happens is either racist, sexist, or some other ist, I decided to use my blog to weigh in with MY OPINION. That’s right, it’s what I think because in actuality, unless it’s obvious racist talk like that of Michele Bachman and her crew, only the […]
RACIST OR NOT RACIST? Michele Bachmann & Steve King Show Their True Racist Colors Talking About President Obama and Black Farmers
It’s sad to admit in America in 2011 but racists are alive and being paid to pass on their racist views. This video is old but I’m just seeing it (thanks to and I have to say it’s some of the most racist speech I’ve heard of late. It’s unbelievable that these people have […]
Letterman, Bob Schieffer, Chris Matthews, Juan Williams call Trumps words racist Cher calls him “A–Hole” #dumptrump
Edrea Davis – Pompous, self-serving, Donald Trump is so stuck on himself and wound up in his own world he probably doesn’t realize that some negative media attention won’t help his brand. I have video from several high-profile people who reject Trump’s latest antics. I don’t know if Donald Trump is actually a racist since […]
Do President Obama’s Opponents Believe Their Own Hype? Not Really…
Does anyone think for a minute that The Donald really believes that President Obama was not born in America? I doubt it. However, I’m sure somewhere cold will freeze over before Mr. “You’re Fired” Trump admits that he knows the President is a US born citizen. Like Trump, most of the people spewing anti-Obama rhetoric […]
“Pull Your Pants Up” Legislation Passes from Senate in Florida
I’m one of those people who thinks government is doing a little too much intruding in our lives. Too much regulation keeps government workers employed but doesn’t do much else. This Florida bill will prohibit students from wearing clothing that exposes their butt. What in the world? Some schools require uniforms and others have very […]
Are whites racially oppressed?
I don’t know about White people being “oppressed,” but I would say “misunderstood.” I think it’s a great idea to have courses in White Studies because White people have gone through some dramatic changes over the years. They’ve gone from being in favor to out of favor. There are 25-year-old White people that could never […]
The GOP wants Obama out, but offers no good replacements
Is there a Republican out there with political skills to go up against President Obama? Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels or Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour? Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post breaks it down… For all their bluster about making Barack Obama a […]