Home Entertainment New Film “Negative Exposure” Offers A Call To Action For Community and Race Relations

New Film “Negative Exposure” Offers A Call To Action For Community and Race Relations


ED-Legacy-Films-Negative-ExposureSet in “any” urban city in America, Negative Exposure, is a compelling story that takes a look at socioeconomic stereotypes that have emerged from constructed beliefs created out of bias, ignorance and intolerance. Produced by E. D. Legacy Films, the film offers a call to action for community and race relations. The trailer was released today and the film will be premiere online Aug. 8, 2020.

Jayson Gresham (Taylor Katsanis) is a young White man stuck in a cycle of poverty and hopelessness amid daily occurrences of police brutality and harassment from officers who constantly disrespect residents in the community. Although he’s trapped in a neighborhood haunted by violence, drugs and spiritual decay, the single father dreams of building a better life for his daughter but those dreams come crashing down when Jayson is forced into a dangerous confrontation spearheaded by the privileged Black son of a local elite, religious leader.

Filmed entirely in Columbia, South Carolina, from a story developed eight years ago by executive producer, Eric Warren Davis, Negative Exposure explores a community and residents navigating the atrocities of poverty, gang violence and police brutality. “This is a unique film about the dark side of the American story and encapsulates situations currently happening in our country,” said Davis who stars as Pastor Robert Kingsley, a man at odds with his own biases. The screenplay, artfully crafted by director Tony Tite, cleverly deals with issues of societal complexities while providing answers and solutions to today’s racial, religious, and ethnic tensions.

Actor, Darrell Snedeger plays Bones, a community gang leader and Rebecca Derienzo gives a compelling performance as Jayson’s long-suffering mother fighting to keep her son alive in a world stacked against him.

Partnering with the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL), an organization representing more than 50 million Americans of various racial backgrounds, Negative Exposure is the “clarion call”-to-action initiated by more than 700 legislators who are NBCSL members. The collaboration with the NBCSL adds to the list of expected outcomes for legislation to transform policing into a model that is equitable and safe for communities of color.

Negative Exposure will be available for download at www.negativeexposuremovie.com on August 8, 2020.