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A Presidency at Death’s Door


The Lincoln Project’s latest video, “One Day”, takes President Trump to task for his abysmal response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

As early as January, the President received intelligence briefings that warned of the impending pandemic that would soon upend everyday life in our country. But Trump disregarded his own intelligence and healthcare advisors and largely ignored and downplayed the threat, saying it was “very much under control” in late February.

While the nation’s COVID-19 body count has risen to over 130,000, Trump’s distracted himself with careless election rallies, numerous golf trips, and unhinged Twitter rants. Amid the growing crisis, the President carelessly mused about reducing the United States’ testing capacity in a foolish attempt to reduce the number of reported infections.

Lincoln Project senior advisor Jennifer Horn said, “The purpose of shutting down tests is so that voters who are thinking about whether or not they want to vote for Donald Trump won’t keep hearing about how many people in American have actually caught the coronavirus. That’s the purpose.”

Because of his recklessness and inaction, now 1 in 100 Americans have become infected with COVID-19.