Home Headlines The “Law and Order” President is the Most Corrupt President in History

The “Law and Order” President is the Most Corrupt President in History


Although he claims to me the Law and Order president, Trump is turning out to be the most corrupt president in history – a “criminal enterprise”. Most recently he commuted his buddy, Roger Stone’s prison sentence even though Stone was convicted of lying to cover up the president’s crimes. This demonstrates the overt racism in America. There’s a young Black woman with three children that was sentenced to five years for voting while on probation which is legal in some states.

The Lincoln Project’s latest ad, “Law and Order,” condemns President Trump’s choice to commute Roger Stone’s sentence. Stone was an informal advisor to the President and convicted of several felonies for lying under oath, obstructing a congressional inquiry, and obstructing witness testimony –– in order to protect the president. This continues a pattern of numerous convicted felons who have festered in the Trump Administration and campaign.