Home Commentary Black Women Could Swing November’s Vote
Black Women Could Swing November’s Vote

Black Women Could Swing November’s Vote


Debbie Hines
Debbie Hines
by Debbie Hines, Women’s Media Center -With the midterm election fast approaching, African American women are emerging as crucial to success for Democrats according to voting analysts and the Democratic National Committee. In 20 House races, mostly in southern states, African American women could be the deciding factor.

Analyst Page Gardner, founder of Women’s Voices, Women Vote, follows women’s voter enthusiasm. Her review reveals a recent increase in interest among unmarried and minority women. And small blocs of voters can be decisive. As Gardner recalls, in the last midterm election, there were 15 House races that were decided by only about 2000 votes. The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies released an October 14 report by David Bositis, a longtime political analyst, which confirms African American voters could tip many of the most competitive races. Hence, voter turnout among African American women is the key for Democrats success.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine met with a group of mostly female, influential African American bloggers to stress the point of getting the 5 million first time African American voters from 2008, most of whom were women, back out again in 2010. Efforts are also aimed at longtime, reliable African American women voters. The DNC has spent $3 million specifically to court the African American vote—unprecedented for a midterm election. Since June, the DNC has focused on grass roots activities, taking its message to African American communities by talking in beauty salons, door knocking, phone calling, mailing, texting, contacting clergy—and reinforcing the effort with radio, print and online ads. Read the full blog post at Women’s Media Center