Congressman Chaka Fattah’s Statement on the Passing of William Miller and Samuel Staten Sr.
Philadelphia, PA “In a span of a week our city has lost two giants, a top union leader like and a savvy political consultant. Samuel Staten, stood tall among his colleagues. He dedicated his life to making sure members of Philadelphia Laborers Local 332 were fairly compensated for their work. Sam was a straight shooter. Our friendship spanned decades, I could always count on him. He was a man of his word and he earned the respect of all those who knew him.
“William Miller was a brilliant political adviser and strategist. His council and advice was priceless and sought after by anyone serious about seeking office. His contribution to the political landscape of Philadelphia is legendary as it was his expertise that helped elect the city’s first African American mayor. Bill was my friend and fellow alum of Overbrook High School.
“Renee and I send our condolences to both the Staten and Miller families as they grieve the loss of their loved ones.”