Home Commentary Dump Trump
Dump Trump

Dump Trump


Felicia Davis
Felicia Davis
Donald Trump is busy playing to the right-wing base of Republican Party by seeking to undermine the President in the vilest manner. It is time to turn from Celebrity Apprentice in a show of solidarity with our troops and the President of the United States of American. No matter how much we like watching NeeNee, Star and LaToya, crazy Gary Busey, Little John and Meatloaf, it is time to vote with our remote control and Dump Trump.

Personally, I am ashamed of myself for supporting anyone that would stoop so low. The Don knows better, he is exploiting the fears, ignorance, and even worse, the racism of a sad segment of America to advance his political agenda. Tuning out is about character-his and mine. It is wrong to flame the fears of so called Birthers. It is dangerous and un-American. Watching Apprentice would make me quietly complicit in the Trump travesty. Frankly, I am better than that.

For those addicted to what may be the best of reality TV, time turn to Tivo. For me it is time to Dump Trump.