Poll Perjury by Lucius Gantt
The Gantt Report – I hope the members of the Democratic Party closely watched the recent and raucous Republican Party Convention.
The Grand Old Party had a tremendous amount of unity and support for their deceitful nominees for President and Vice President.
Cheers for the Republican nominees were preceded and followed by cheers for their favorite political liars and criminals.
The Republicans appeared to be far more unified than their Democratic opponents.
MAGA Democrats have been repeating Russian-inspired talking points about Joe Biden being three years older than the twice-impeached, adulterer, fraudster, and liar with 34 felony convictions being better suited to beat the candidate who has accomplishments.
MAGA Democrats say over and over that “polls” indicate Biden is trailing Trump in registered voter preference.
Well, let me tell you a little about political polls.
Anybody can do a poll. The Gantt Report Poll has never changed, “if Blacks turn out to vote in high numbers, Democrats win. If Blacks don’t vote, Democrats lose. Am I right? Yes!
You see, Joe Biden doesn’t win polls, Biden wins elections. Biden wasn’t leading in the polls before the 2020 elections. Joe lost in Iowa, Joe lost in New Hampshire and the polls said Biden would lose in South Carolina, but he won South Carolina and went on to win the 2020 race for the presidency.
MAGA Democrats know history has shown that Presidential polls can be as wrong as hell.
Barack Obama didn’t lead in the polls when he announced his candidacy but, in the end, Obama won two Presidential elections.
The greatest poll miscalculation in history was probably the polls that said Dewey would beat Truman in 1948. So-called expert polls said Dewey would beat Truman by a large margin, but on election day, the people voted for Harry Truman.
Where do polls come from? More often than not, polls are paid for by political contributors, and the big contributing billionaires usually get the poll results they want.
MAGA Media reporters are quick to reference “polls”, but they never share poll data. They never list the names of people polled. They never say where the people polled are or were. They never say how many women were polled, how many Blacks were polled, how many Hispanics were polled, or how many young voters were polled.
I don’t know anyone who has ever participated in a political poll.
I get my political preference information from barber shops, beauty salons, churches, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and the streets.
What if MAGA Democrats were involved in a conspiracy to divide and conquer members of the Democratic Party? Could some MAGA Democrats benefit from running to the MAGA media to disparage Biden by being promised political jobs or contracts?
I don’t know, but MAGA Democrats look more suspicious, to me, than the shooter who popped up on a roof and shot Trump in the ear at a rally in Pennsylvania.
At the time of this rallcolumn, MAGA Democrats had no idea who would replace Biden as a Democratic Presidential nominee because they had no replacement.
Only Biden-Harris can influence the Democratic base. But Biden-Harris cannot and will not get an extraordinary turnout of diverse voters unless they spend money with people who can truly message; influence, and turnout voters that need to go to the polls.
I was surprised when David Axelrod said Biden should disenfranchise and disrespect Democrats who voted overwhelmingly for Biden-Harris in Democratic primaries.
Axelrod got famous for working for Black candidates even before he worked for Obama. I worked with Axelrod when we both worked for Doug Jamerson in Florida.
Every political Jesus has a political Judas!
Don’t be fooled by fake polls! Don’t be a victim of poll perjury. Why should Biden help MAGA Democrats win who would never dream about supporting Biden-Harris?
You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away, and know when to run.
You never count your voters; when sitting at the news desk. There will be time enough to count them when the voting is done!