The Transformative Justice Coalition (TJC) and the Rainbow Push Coalition Will Host, “Combatting the Vicious Attack on Voting Rights!”
CHICAGO – The Rainbow PUSH Coalition and the Transformative Justice Coalition will assemble an All-Star panel of the nation’s most prominent voting rights advocates for a special Voting Rights discussion on July 18th, 2:30 PM (CST) during the Rainbow PUSH Annual International Convention at the University of Chicago, David Rubinstein Forum, 1201 E. 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois. The goal of this panel is to educate, inspire and ignite our national audience to fight the assault on voting rights and to lift up the best practices for protecting all Voters, particularly, African American, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Youth Voters, and Voters with Disabilities.
Ten years after Shelby v Holder, the panel will discuss how this disastrous decision of the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed states to weaponize legislation to complicate the voting rights of GenZ voters and the communities of color. The panel will equip our “free d vote” fighters with the information and resources to battle for the soul of our democracy! This panel will present Top voting rights activists and lawyers sharing major insights and replicable strategies on how to both transcend the pressing threat to voting rights and protect access to voting in America. The panel will be capped with a “Voting Rights Champion Reception” honoring Rev. Jesse L. Jackson and Marcus Arbery & Family.
Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, President & Founder, Rainbow Push Coalition
Barbara R. Arnwine, Esq., President & Founder, Transformative Justice Coalition Daryl D. Jones, Esq, Board Chair/Co-Leader, Transformative Justice Coalition (Moderator)
Griselda Vega Samuel, Regional Director MALDEF
Betty Magness, Rainbow PUSH Coalition
Rev. Edward Ward, TJC Fellow and Florida Freedom Rider
Jayda Jeffery TJC Fellow and Florida Freedom Rider
Rommel Sandino, National Organization Director, League of Women Voters
Founded in 2015 by Barbara Arnwine, president emeritus of the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights, the Transformative Justice Coalition seeks to be a catalyst for transformative institutional changes that bring about justice and equality in the United States and abroad. Learn more at tjcoalition.org.