SEATTLE – In direct response to social unrest, the virtual 2020 Racial Equity Forum, hosted by Janet M. Harvey and inviteCHANGE, provides a safe space to create solutions and committed action for ongoing equity building. The forum will convene on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2020 at 1pET.
The 2020 Racial Equity Forum will host a diverse legacy line up of speakers who are on the front lines of addressing inequities in key areas creating systemic issues including: economics, the criminal justice system, white privilege, education, media and deep-seated bias.
The 2020 Racial Equity Forum speakers are leaders who daily move the needle toward equity in industries central to our societal structure: economics, education, media and business. Speakers include (l to r): Janet M. Harvey, MCC: FORUM HOST, President & CEO of inviteCHANGE, LLC; Dr. Yusef Salaam: One of the “Exonerated Five” as told in Ava DuVernay’s “When They See Us,” criminal justice system reform advocate, board member of the Innocence Project; Robin DiAngelo, PhD: Professor, New York Times Bestselling Author of “White Fragility: Why Its So Hard For White People To Talk; James H. Pogue, PhD: Thought Leader, Researcher: Unconscious Bias, Diversity & Inclusion and Multi-Generational Intelligence; Zakiya E. Larry: FORUM MODERATOR, CEO of Quest Media Training, Media and Brand Strategy Expert; Ron Busby, Sr.: President/CEO of the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. (USBC,) Entrepreneur, White House African American Leadership Council
The 2020 Racial Equity Forum speakers are leaders who daily move the needle toward equity in industries central to our societal structure: economics, education, media and business. Speakers include (l to r): Janet M. Harvey, MCC: FORUM HOST, President & CEO of inviteCHANGE, LLC; Dr. Yusef Salaam: One of the “Exonerated Five” as told in Ava DuVernay’s “When They See Us,” criminal justice system reform advocate, board member of the Innocence Project; Robin DiAngelo, PhD: Professor, New York Times Bestselling Author of “White Fragility: Why Its So Hard For White People To Talk; James H. Pogue, PhD: Thought Leader, Researcher: Unconscious Bias, Diversity & Inclusion and Multi-Generational Intelligence; Zakiya E. Larry: FORUM MODERATOR, CEO of Quest Media Training, Media and Brand Strategy Expert; Ron Busby, Sr.: President/CEO of the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. (USBC,) Entrepreneur, White House African American Leadership Council
“Awareness requires more than conversations and statements—it’s now time,” said Janet M. Harvey, forum host and CEO of inviteCHANGE. “Time to move from talking at each other to talking with each other, then go beyond talking to co-created plans of action.”
Speakers Include:
Forum Topics Include: Unconscious Bias, Recognizing Privilege and Leveraging For Good, Criminal Justice System Reform and Group Discovery Sessions. Group discovery sessions allow attendees to decompress, reflect and share ideas for solutions.
Post-forum, the host and attendees will activate solutions to global societal issues, identified at this inflection point, and track results over the next two years. This forum is a bold kick-off to the 2020 Global Leaders Conference, a 3-day virtual social progress event. The full virtual social progress event will run Sept. 9th-11th, 2020. The one-day 2020 Racial Equity Forum will be held Sept. 9th, 2020 at 1pET.
For more information about the 2020 Racial Equity Forum, visit www.RacialEquityForum.com.
To learn more about the 2020 Global Leaders Conference, visit www.bechoosecause.com.
Pre-Event Interviews and Virtual Media Credentials are Available.
ABOUT THE FOUNDER, JANET M. HARVEY: Visionary and host of the Racial Equity Forum and 2020 Global Leaders Conference, Janet is a coach, author, educator and speaker who invites people to “be the cause of the life that most matters to you.” Janet is CEO of inviteCHANGE, a success-culture building coaching organization for companies. She has trained leaders at Fortune 500 companies across six continents, for nearly 25 years. As a result, in addition to her cause-driven work, Janet believes corporate leaders and coaches are the ideal group to drive change due to the diversity of perspectives and tested approaches to problem solving. Janet is also an ICF Global Past President, Certified Mentor Coach, International Coaching Federation (ICF) Master Certified Coach and an Accredited Coaching Supervisor.