Civil Rights Leader & Former Field General to Martin Luther King Jr, Rev. CT Vivian, Passed Away at 95
Beloved Civil Rights leader Rev. Dr. CT Vivian passed away at his home in Atlanta Friday, July 17, just a few hours before his friend and fellow civil rights leader, John Lewis, passed on.
Rev. Vivian, 95, marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and was arrested and suffered brutal beatings by police in his fight for justice and equality. An advocate of nonviolent direct action, Rev. Vivian was a leader of Freedom Riders and also organized sit-in’s in cities across the South.
In 2013 President Barack Obama honored Rev. Vivian with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.
For more about Rev. Vivian read the New York Times article C.T. Vivian, Martin Luther King’s Field General, Dies at 95
A disciplined advocate of nonviolence, he was on the front lines in the 1960s movement for racial justice.