Georgia Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda Statement on President Trump’s Racist Attacks on Four Congresswomen
In response to President Donald Trump’s racist tweet attacking four US Congresswomen and his subsequent campaign rally last night where his follower’s chanted “send her back,” the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda (GCPA) issued the following statement:
“The Georgia Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda is urging people of conscience to call their US Senator’s and urge them to take an official stand against President Trump’s racist and dangerous attacks on four Congresswomen of color,” said Rev. Dr. James A. Milner, co-convener with Dr. Joseph E. Lowery of GCPA.”
Rev. Milner continues, “Whether its his attacks on these members of congress or his behavior towards minorities in general, the President has been divisive and deplorable. He has caused international embarrassment to all who love this nation. Instead of draining the swamps in Washington, D.C., he has broadened the swamps.”
Helen Butler, executive director of the GCPA adds, “We’ve got to stop debating whether the President is racist or not. As Congressman John Lewis said, ‘we know racism when we see it.’ Most of us have experienced the hateful slur ‘go back to where you came from” even though many African American’s have been in this country ten plus generations and quite often the people hurling the insults are first or second generation American’s like the President. We know what we’re looking at and don’t need to debate the definition of racism in 2019.
“Right now, we need to know what our Senators are going to do to stop President Trump’s ongoing vicious, vile and dangerous attacks against Congresswoman Omar, Congresswoman Pressley, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, and Congresswoman Tlaib,” said Butler. “In addition to being bigoted and divisive, he is creating a dangerous environment for the Congresswomen and people across the USA who look like them.”
“The US House of Representatives has gone on record against this hate speech. It’s time for the United States Senate to let the world know if America’s core values include bigotry and racism,” said Rev. Milner. He continued, “Senator Isakson and Senator Purdue work for the people of Georgia. All Georgians of conscience must call our Senators and let them know that we expect them to speak out against anyone working to divide us rather than unite us, anyone promoting hate rather than love, and anyone encouraging people to chant “send her back’ about an American citizen who was elected to serve in the US Congress.
Butler states, “Georgians and people across the country who love America and what the USA stands for, must call their Senators at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to take a stand against the racist hate speech coming from the President of the United States of America.”
Founded by civil rights leader Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, the GCPA was formed to help create an informed and active electorate and to ensure responsive and accountable elected officials. They engage members of their coalition to register, educate and mobilize voters. With headquarters in Atlanta and offices in Athens, Albany, LaGrange and Savannah, the organization is active throughout the state of Georgia and works to support and establish state coalitions in the Southeast states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky. For more information or to volunteer in your city visit www.thepeoplesagenda.org or call (404) 653-1199.