Why Democrats Might Not Win in 2018
The Gantt Report
By Lucius Gantt
The Biblical book of Mark says one day Jesus and his Disciples were traveling in the City of Jericho where there was a man begging on the side of the street. When the man, who was blind, heard that Jesus was in town, the man cried out repeatedly, “Jesus, have mercy on me!”
Jesus commanded that the man be called and the man casted aside his garments and came to Jesus.
When asked what he wanted, the man told Jesus, “Lord, that I might receive my sight!”
And Jesus said unto the man, “Go my way, thy faith hath made thee whole!”
The poor, desperate, disadvantaged and disabled man had faith in the Jesus that he did not really know and could not see.
But he loosed his garments, he didn’t ask for a staff or a cane and he didn’t ask for a handler or a guide, he loosed his garments that may have impeded his walk to the Lord and strolled right up to Jesus where his sight was restored.
2018 could be a year of opportunity for the Democratic Party. Democratic candidates could win a number of local, statewide and federal seats in 2018 elections.
Or, they could keep losing elections as they have done so much in recent elections.
Don’t believe the hype. There is no such thing as a “blue wave”! There may only be a blue trickle or a blue drop!
Why? Because the Democratic Party cannot continue to do the same thing, hire they same losing consultants and use the same old dated and ineffective political strategies and expect drastically different election day results!
The Republicans that hold most state and national political power are not going to lie down and give power to Democrats, Democrats have to take political power.
The idea that Election Day victories will fall into the hands of Democratic candidates because some Republicans face legal issues, some have been insensitive, some have been incompetent and some Republicans have been swampy and corrupt, is an idea that should be discredited, discarded and abandoned!
Don’t take my word for it but Republicans remain more politically scientific and technological than Democrats, Republicans have clear cut political messages, while Democrats have little or no message at all, Republicans will raise more money than Democrats and Republicans will hire whoever they need to hire to win the races they want to win, while Democrats primarily hire who Prty bosses, labor unions and Party campaign contributors tell Democrats to hire.
There has been a surge in political interest and activism but it has not come from the top of the Democratic Party down to the members.
Increased liberal, moderate and active efforts for 2018 elections have started from the bottom, so to speak.
Loud voices calling for political change in America has come from women, it has come from activist groups like Black Lives Matter and others, it has come from Hispanic and immigrant communities and it has come from independents that have grown tired of all the political B.S.
The blind man seeking a miracle from Jesus didn’t want to fall or trip up, he realized he had to loosen his garments to get to Jesus and to get the eye sight he wanted.
Democrats must understand in order to have a great outcome in 2018 elections, they must get rid of some things, like incompetent consultants, untrained staffers, bad or no political messages, old 1950 political strategies and any ideas they have that they can control the masses of Black Americans like they control many Black Democrats!
If the Democratic Party wants political blessings to flow in 2018 elections they must loosen their garments, and practices, that denied many politicians victories in the past decades.
Don’t let losing consultants, awful advisers or a stagnant staff trip up the Democrats in 2018. Tell the Party to loosen it’s political garments!