‘Two Shades of Vice’ Captures Harsh Realities of Persistent Racism and Violence in America
Kansas City, MO – Two Shades of Vice: Based on the true story of an interracial couple’s life together in crime, details the hardened criminal life of Dewey’s black mother and white father during the turbulent sixties. Based upon information from police reports, criminal rap sheets, and eyewitness accounts, many chapters explain how they lived dangerously on the edge by flaunting their interracial union and illicit lifestyle before a racist white society.
“The wonderfully written story captures the culture of more than a half century in the past,” says top Amazon book reviewer and bestselling author Jada Ryker. “The characters offer real people in gritty situations. Their decisions and actions are a reflection of their time.”
Events from Dewey’s book tie in with the racial hatred that still plagues our society today. How do we begin to create racial harmony during the Trump Presidency? The White Nationalists group surfacing in Charlottesville, Virginia, with an innocent woman being killed, proves that racism is very much alive and well in the United States.
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/IuI5kfSFAJc” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Bigots shouting racial slurs and then assaulting the African-American boyfriend of an interracial couple in Brooklyn, New York, only questions the integrity of a supposed color-blind society (http://nypost.com/2017/07/11/bigots-shout-slurs-at-interracial-couple-brutally-beat-up-boyfriend/).
Packed with real-life episodes, Two Shades of Vice travels deep into the annals of American history. Many issues that make current headlines surrounding race in America are parallel to the nonfiction book written by Dewey B. Reynolds.
About the Author
Dewey B. Reynolds is an author, screenwriter, short filmmaker, and computer expert. Dewey spent several years researching the criminal background of his interracial parents, Gordon Reynolds and Alla Mae Briggs. Their reign of vice activities occurred mostly throughout the 1960s. As a result of his parents being career criminals running from the law, Dewey became a ward of the state of Missouri. He is a federal employee who currently resides in Kansas City, Missouri.
Website: http://www.deweyreynoldsbooks.com