Home Headlines Nearly 100 Lowery Institute Change Agents to Pay Tribute to Dr. Joseph Lowery at 96th Birthday Celebration
Nearly 100 Lowery Institute Change Agents to Pay Tribute to Dr. Joseph Lowery at 96th Birthday Celebration

Nearly 100 Lowery Institute Change Agents to Pay Tribute to Dr. Joseph Lowery at 96th Birthday Celebration


Change Agents to Dr. Lowery: We Got Next!

Dr. Lowery with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Lowery with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Atlanta, GA – As civil rights icon, Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, watched the frightening images of racist protesters marching through Charlottesville, VA with tiki torches, he was reminded of America’s ugly past when he lived with constant bomb threats and was shot at by the Ku Klux Klan. Saddened by seeing hate turn to violence live on TV, he prayed that people would turn to each other instead of on each other and pondered the fate of the non-violent tactics embraced by the Civil Rights Movement.

On October 4, 2017, Dr. Lowery’s 96th birthday celebration will be held at The Rialto Center for the Arts at Georgia State University. In addition to the dedicated dignitaries, celebrities, and activists that consistently support the bi-annual musical extravaganza, nearly 100 of the Joseph and Evelyn Lowery Institute for Justice & Human Rights (Lowery Institute) Change Agents will be there to let Dr. Lowery know that his legacy is secure with them.

“I’m really excited about this birthday tribute,” said Cheryl Lowery, president of the Lowery Institute. “In these divisive times it’s important for my dad and other civil rights leaders to know that their work was not in vain. Lowery Institute Change Agents have committed to keeping the flame lit on for peace, love and non-violence and will pass the torch on to future generations. They come from across the country and will take the non-violent principles they learn at the Institute back to their respective communities,” Lowery adds.

Presented by Delta Airlines and The Coca-Cola Company, the fundraiser supports the year-round programming that creates Change Agents, advocates, drum majors for justice, and leaders, who actively work to better underserved communities locally and abroad. Other sponsors of the event include Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine and Jazz 91.9 WCLK as media sponsors.

The Joseph and Evelyn Lowery Institute for Justice & Human Rights is a non-profit organization established to ensure the continuity of the advocacy of Dr. Lowery and his late wife Dr. Evelyn Gibson Lowery’s lifelong commitment to non-violent advocacy, and the moral, ethical, and theological imperative of justice and human rights for all people. The Lowery Institute ‘Agents of Change’ Program connects high-achieving undergraduate and graduate students with elementary, middle and high school students. Change Agent’s focus on principles of non-violence of the Institute coupled with conflict management, social and self awareness, alternative dispute resolution and peer mediation training.

Themed Grounded in History: Soaring Towards the Future, the Musical Tribute to the “Dean” of the civil rights movement starts promptly at 7 PM with a reception at 6 PM. To learn about sponsorship opportunities, purchase tickets or get more information call 404–524-8406 or visit www.loweryinstitute.org.

Learn more about Dr. Lowery in this wonderful video produced by 100 BMOA for their recent tribute to him.