Healing Neen Deliverance Tour Kicks Off in Florida with a Message of Hope and Healing
ANNAPOLIS, Md. – A 25-year-old caught up in the cycle of addiction since she was 13 had her prayers answered last week when she was among eight women the Gadsden Correctional Facility allowed out of jail for a few hours to hear the powerful testimony of recovered crack addict-turned-inspirational speaker, Tonier “Neen” Cain. Hosted by Christian Heritage Church, over 150 people were on hand for the launch of the national Healing Neen Deliverance Tour, one woman’s moving testimony about the role faith plays in overcoming addiction and other challenges.
“The first time I saw Ms. Cain’s Testimony I was 19-years-old in the County Jail,” said the emotional inmate who goes by “Bri.” As Cain gave her a big hug she continued, “I prayed really hard for God to allow me to meet her before something happened to me. I’ve been in and out of addiction a really long time. Her testimony really changed my life. ”
Cain said, “This is why I do what I do. I so was addicted to drugs and alcohol I was homeless, dirty and smelled awful and everyone lost hope in me. I’m living proof that no matter how bad off you may think you are, where there’s breath, there’s hope. God heals, and He will deliver you out of the hand of darkness.”
She continues, “My day job is to train people who work in the system — from the courts to corrections – how to treat the people they serve from a physical perspective. The Healing Neen Tour is my opportunity to touch people who need to hear my personal story as well as my spiritual journey, and let them know they can be delivered from whatever obstacles get in their way. With God all things are possible.”
During her 19-year crack addiction, Tonier Cain racked up 83 arrests and 66 convictions. She turned to prostitution to pay for drugs, lost custody of four children, and, when she wasn’t locked up, she slept under a bridge. Since completing treatment in 2005, Cain has become a celebrated speaker and trauma care expert. She has testified before Congress and lectured at Yale University. Former Gov. Charlie Crist recognized Cain for her contributions to transforming the way the entire Florida Department of Juvenile Justice serves youth. She authored a poignant memoir, “Healing Neen,” and has a feature-length documentary of the same name, exposing her traumatic childhood filled with abuse, rape and neglect.
The audience was further encouraged when special guest, Sean Wyman, a trauma survivor, motivational speaker and author of “Let Go: The Movement Process,” shared a compelling testimony on his deliverance from the anger and rage he had developed after experiencing physical and mental abuse and going into foster care.
Over the past week the Healing Neen Deliverance Tour also visited New Life Community Church and Ideal Family Church in the Dallas, TX area. Their next stop is August 12 and 13th at Judah Ministries International Worship Center in the Pittsburgh, PA area. Cain will also appear on The Word Network’s “Power to the People,” hosted by Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant Sat. Aug. 5, and on Aug 6 she will give testimony at Pastor Bryant’s Empowerment Temple Church in Baltimore, MD.
Cain, who has a docu-series in development, “Hit the Bricks,” chronicling her work helping prisoners transition from behind bars into their community adds, “I’d be remiss if I did not acknowledge the administrators at the Gadsden Correctional Facility for believing in the women they serve and allowing them a temporary get-out-of-jail pass to attend this event. That exemplifies a system determined to help break the destructive cycle of incarceration.”
For more information on Tonier Cain, to watch the trailer for the documentary, or to request the Healing Neen Deliverance Tour to visit your church or organization, email t.cain@toniercain.com, call 844-367-6336 or go to www.toniercain.com.