Food and Family on Father’s Day Family Food Fest Atlanta Georgia Railroad Freight Depot Sunday, June 18 from 3–6 PM
Atlanta, GA – There’s no better way to strengthen families and community than celebrating Father’s Day with good food, music, dance, games, fashion, comedy and over 100 cooking men at the annual Multicultural Family Food Fest Atlanta celebration on Sunday, June 18 from 3 – 6 PM. Staged to promote and honor families the Black community and raise money for charities, the event will be held at the Georgia Railroad Freight Depot at 65 MLK Jr. Drive, Atlanta. Tickets are available at ticket outlets throughout Atlanta or online at www.familyfoodfestatlanta.com, or eventbrite.
“We are excited to continue a tradition we have been doing for 17 years,” said Family Food Fest Atlanta event manager, Diane Larche.
“This year we will be honoring two families who adopted siblings. Pam and Michael Majette adopted three brothers and Heather Hawes adopted siblings of two boys and a girl, Larche’ said. “Placing young African-American siblings in one household in a loving adoptive family is difficult. We applaud these two families for stepping up for their children.
In addition to performances by Gospel Artist Trish Standley and R & B artist Norma Stanley, and others, the annual charity event singers, giveaways, a silent auction, clowns and other activities for children. Several high-profile local officials and dignitaries will serve as celebrity hosts, honorary chairmen, judges, and cooks including: Congressman Hank Johnson; Fulton County Commission Chair John Eaves, Dekalb County Commissioner Larry Johnson, Atlanta City Council President Ceasar Mitchell; Tom Jones WSB; and Atlanta Councilman Michael Bond.
Top Atlanta chef’s participating in the cook fest include: Chef Will Boxx, Food Network Chopped and Cut Throat Kitchen Champ, Chef Tregaye Fraser Food Network Star Champion; Master Chef Jr. Champ 12-year-old Chef Jasmine Stewart and Chef Elliott Farmer of Food Network.
Family Food Fest Atlanta 2017 sponsors are: WSB TV Family 2 Family Project, Waffle House, Georgia Power, Gus’s Fried Chicken, FootFittRand MARTA. Media partners are the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Upscale Magazine, Atlanta Inquirer, Atlanta Voice and Atlanta Daily World.
Tickets can be purchased from Nancy’s Pizza (Midtown and Camp Creek), Rick’s Barber & Beauty (SW Atlanta), Foot FittR of Briarcliff & Lavista Rds, Medu Bookstore (Greenbriar Mall), Who’s Got Soul Southern Cafe (Decatur & Lawrenceville), Eye Optical (Stone Mountain), Jan’s Florist (Fayetteville), online at familyfoodfestatlanta.com or www.eventbrite.com
For working media credentials for June 18 please contact: Edrea Davis edmedia@dogonvillage.com or 770 961-6200 or Diane Larche’ Event Manager at 404 273-3227 or familyfoodfestatlanta@gmail.com.
Read more at http://atlanta.daybooknetwork.com/story/2017-06-16/53616-family-food-fest-atlanta-2017/#kzQiiyptXxrMgO9D.99